Diamond polishing factories in Amsterdam

In Amsterdam, even after the transition from cottage industry to factory work, small firms abounded in the diamond industry. Many were located in the attics of houses. To map the distribution of this industry throughout the city, we have gathered data from a great many sources. This has resulted in a list of 168 polishing factories and diamond sawmills with data about their owners, the year they were started and the year they were discontinued, as well as their location and any other particularities. The list has been extended but is by no means final: additional information and corrections are always welcome.

Search the list of diamond polishing factories in Amsterdam


  • Overview of Diamond polishing factories in Amsterdam, by Daniel Metz, 2018
  • Lijst van diamantslijperijen in Amsterdam, Website JoodsAmsterdam.nl
  • Weekblad van den Algemeenen Nederlandsche Diamantbewerkersbond, No. 39, 23 augustus 1895 / No. 47, 30 november 1928
  • Jaarboekje voor de diamantindustrie, 1921
  • De Algemeene Nederlandsche Diamantbewerkersbond (ANDB): een succes en zijn verklaring., Th van Tijn, BMGN 88. afl 3.
  • Diamantslijpers & Dienstboden, Masterscriptie Lara Moerer, 2015
  • www.delpher.nl